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Teen girls feel 'bombarded' by requests for nude photos consider how young men behave, nor did it consider same-sex romantic couples.

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Description:Northwestern University Adolescent women feel intense pressure to send sexual images to men, but they lack the tools to cope with their concerns and the potential consequences, according to new research. Sexting, or sending nude or semi-nude sexually suggestive images or messages to others, is a reality for an estimated 15 to 25 percent of teens growing up today. Though some research points to sexting as a potentially low-risk way to explore sexuality, it also is associated with increased risk of ostracism, depression, and suicide. She also wanted to know how teen girls handled unwanted requests for the images. Young women were concerned about the repercussions of sending pictures, but those worries were overshadowed by more immediate day-to-day pressures, such as wanting the relationship, promises of love and trustworthiness, persistent requests, anger, harassment, and threats. Is rude texting just the new normal?

Views: 8059 Date: 2019-01-08 Favorited: 19 favorites

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